Monday, April 16, 2012


Hello beautiful woman,

Here we are again on doitwithyourstyle. If you have already started working on your new style, congratulations! If not yet, don’t worry. Aline Lermer is on your side and has good tips for you today.

As I shared with you in my last post, you may also have read a lot of self-help books, LOA (Law of Attraction) theories, hundreds of fitness and fashion articles, bla, bla, bla. All of that stuff is good, I mean it, but we both know that it is easy said than done. Well, when we need a boost in our self-confidence, we dream of the perfect looks and this is just not happening, something as important as having a vivid healthy self-image may be missing: your interaction, better said, your action. Put your hands under your chin, look to the side, and ask yourself: “Am I willing to move at least one single finger to get what I want? Or I prefer hiding myself inside an oyster, blaming the evil couple Mr. Insecurity & Ms. Laziness for not shining as the beautiful pearl I really am”? 

Let’s then go back to that simple formula: 1. Be, 2. Do, 3. Have. There must be a firm line between these 3 steps. For example, if step 3, i.e., what you want to have is too hard to be achieved, steps 1 and 2 won’t help much. “Why in Heaven would I move my valuable for that? This is impossible anyway”.  If step 1, your self-image, is positive and step 3, your goal, is achievable and very appealing but you are not consistent with step 2, taking action, then it won’t help much either. Scientists are probably still working on a way to get things done only by thinking but so far, my dear, it can only work when you move your "valuable asset on the back", and we know that this part is the hardest one... so go find the strongest and most convincing reason to look fabulous! Otherwise, tsc, tsc, it’s just not going to happen… 

“Hmmm, can I get it an easier way”?, I hear you saying. Of course, my dearest. That’s what styles coaches are for.  ;0)

Next time we’re going a little deeper in the “style realms”. Until there, keep in mind: No matter what you do, do it with style. YOUR style. Stay tuned.

Your Style Coach,

Aline Lermer

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